
Automatic Ssd Solution & Activation Powder for sale in South Africa +27735257866

mbuga 21 Febrero 2024
We are specialized in chemistry for anti-breeze bank notes. We also do chemicals melting and recovering of all type of bad money from black to white. We also sale chemicals like tourmaline, S.S.D. Chemical solution, castro x oxide, A4, And many other activation powder. About SSD solution for cleaning black money chemical and allied product incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of ssd automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money and defaced money and stained bank notes with anti -breeze quality. The SSD solution in its full range is the best chemical in the market for cleaning anti breeze bank notes, defaced currency, and marked notes. Others for damaged notes, bills. Please call Agent Mbuga +27735257866 OR Email sheikhmbuga5@gmail.com http/mbugassdsolution.website2.me https/paparazaq.blogspot.com http/bestssdchemicalsolution.over-blog.com
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