

wava mune 14 Mayo 2024
Call drwava/whatsapp (+27)603493288 He has helped many people across many countries and living and offering his services in South Africa and all over the worldPowers to heal and transform your life...*House Cleansing (fieght & wash away evil spirits, tokolosh)*Do you sleep walk at night?*Cleansing off way the spirit of eating dead bodies (ENDOCANNIBALISM / NIGHT DANCERS)*Protection spells for Cattle*Protection spells for Agriculture (Cash cropes)*Protection spells for Properties & Assets*Protection spells for Transport (Planes, Ships, Busses, Taxe Cars, Uber drivers etc)*Protection spells for Celebrities (Fame, Royal Kings etc)*Customer Attraction for Bussines*Winning Contrat or Tenders*Winning Serious Court Cases*To Double Your Salary*Political Power Protection*Favour at Work*We Bring Back Stolen Properties*You Want to Quit Drinking, Smoking or Drugs*Family Matters Stop Jealous (In-Laws Hatred, Bad Eyes of Evil People *To Prevent Thieves From Attacking Your Homes, Cars & Shops*Breast Enlargement In All Sizes*Breast Reduction*Gain Hips & Bums*Flat Stomach*Womb Pain*Vaginal Tighening*Stop Vaginal Discharge*Itching & Bad Smell*Woman Who Cant Produce*Women Who Cant See Periods*Win Political Election, Government & Municipality Tenders*Protect Your Homes, Farms & Bussiness From Evil & Enemies*Attract Customers In The Business*Strong Erections*Lost Lovers*Stop Your Lovers From Cheating*Magic Ring*Magic Wallet*Short Boys That Bring Money*Magic Stick For Money & Protection*Magic Waters To Delete Your Debts*Magic Jumping Broom*Rats Bringing Money*Protection Spells *Remove Negative Energy *Removing Curse Spells. *Spiritual Cleansing, *Financial spells *Spiritual Healing (Speak to your family deceased, dead, defunct, departed late spirits)*Voodoo Spells, *Good Luck Charm *Powerful Magical Love Spells,*Break up Spells *Gay Love Spells*Death SpellLIMPOPO
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