
HAGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER -@@+27655767261 in Zimbabwe, South Africa

HAGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER Embalming Compound Powder 28 Abril 2024
+27655767261 What’s embalming compound powder?+27655767261 Hager & Werken embalming products available in Johannesburg south Africa Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them (in its modern form with chemicals)to forestall decomposition. The intention is to keep them suitable for public display at a funeral, for religious reasons, or for +27655767261 medical and scientific purposes such as their use as anatomical specimens. [1] The three goals of embalming are sanitization, presentation and preservation (or restoration). Embalming has a very long and cross-cultural history; with many cultures giving the embalming processes greeter religious meaning. Specific uses are: sanitization, presentation and preservation (or restoration). The type of embalming powder depends on the purity and colour. Purity: 98%, 100% Hot Compound Origin: Germany Brand: Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOUR. Pink 98% white 100% Distributor Dentist / Dental Technician Hager & Werken products are sold through the dental trade worldwide. +27655767261
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