
Schritte zum Online-Erwerb des deutschen Führerscheins WhatsApp: +40799442365

Bob JB 19 Mayo 2024
1- we provide Official certificate with registration into the database and actual center stamps for customers interested in obtaining the certificate without taking the test.2- If you already took the test and it less than a month that you took the test, we can update the results obtained in your previous test to provide you with a new certificate with the updated results for you tofollow you PR procedures without any risk.3- we can provide Question papers for future test before the actual test date. The questionnaires will be issued about 6 to 10 days before the test data and will be 100% same questions that will appear in thetest. guaranteed at 100%.4- We are teachers and examination officials working together as team so you can choice any of our professional to go in for the exams on your behave.5- You can register for your exams and go in for but we shall provideyour target scores as you request because we have underground partnersworking at any center test which give us access into the system.
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